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Quality Lead Acquisition through Digital Marketing

Quality Lead Acquisition through Digital Marketing

by: Nikoletta Iona

In this global market of online everything, your company’s growth is reliant on a digital marketing strategy that is generating quality leads that will turn into customers. It’s a simple enough formula – in theory.

In practice however, it’s a very different type of ball game that not every corporation is winning.

How then can you use digital marketing to acquire the qualified leads your business needs to expand?

Ask yourself whether you know who your target audience is and if you know them well enough. By understanding your particular audience and the way they conduct their purchases online, you stand a better chance of driving consumer engagement and increasing lead qualification.

It’s knowing that digital marketing takes on many forms and establishing which formats and mix is best suited to generate qualified leads for your business. By knowing your target audience well enough, you will be in a better position to identify what combination of digital marketing activities will draw customers towards your company, thereby helping your business qualify leads.

This is not to say outbound marketing activities like internet banners, email mailing lists, TV advertising or cold calling don’t work - they do - but they are typically the first introduction of your business to a very broad audience. Inbound marketing then steps in to pull qualified prospects towards your brand through the use of quality content that is interesting, useful, shareable and engaging enough that it keeps them coming back for more.

Use customer relationship management (CRM) systems that will help you find the most likely prospects.

Keeping ahead of your competitors by consistently offering quality content through the right channels and with real value.

At the same time, realise the value of social media channels in terms of lead generation as well. Producing content with real value is one thing. Selecting the right channel through which to distribute it is just as crucial in having that content seen. By knowing and understanding your target audience well, you should be able to identify which channels you need to be using so that they can find you easily.

Ultimately, no matter how you approach lead generation, what is key is knowing who your optimal customer is and then formulating a relevant strategy around that prospect. And by targeting them well, the higher your chances of converting them from leads into paying consumers and advocates of your business.

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